View Full Version : Tagging Gutters, Fascias, Sweeps, Reveals & Such (2010)

2010-01-29, 06:58 AM
Can it be done?

I'd rather use the system families to build our gutters and the like - but can't seem to get anything to tag their type marks - which would be nice for documentation.

Any help?

2010-01-29, 09:07 AM
Yo snowyweston,

Would you be cool with using Keynote ? Element ? instead ?

2010-01-31, 11:15 PM
I/we've not Keynotes setup yet - or does that not matter? Not sure what you mean by "Element?" though...


2010-02-01, 12:14 AM
Hi ,
I was eluding to using the keynote selection - by Element, rather than by Material, or you could keynote by User for your purpose, however, you do need to spend time setting up your keynote txt file to suit your needs.

2010-02-01, 08:30 AM

I see what you're getting at - but still I would rather not. It "works" but it greatly relies on maintaining the keynote definitions.

Since I'm "rolling out" Revit to a company new to the program, and whose new users need to be assured that Revit IS the way forward - trying to explain keynote management to them when all they want to do is "annotate automatically" will prompt more questions and doubts than it will it inspire and answer.

Is there really no other way to tag them? It does beg the question whydo sweeps & reveals have a type mark if you can't get at it with a tag.

2010-02-01, 01:54 PM
Did you try a multi-category tag. I'm not sure, I haven't tried. But keynoting is the proper way. Or you can use a Material tag on any element.

2010-02-05, 05:27 PM
Did you try a multi-category tag. I'm not sure, I haven't tried. But keynoting is the proper way. Or you can use a Material tag on any element.

I tried a multi-category tag and it just wouldn't pick up the fascia. It tried to snap to the roof beyond and tabbing didn't do any good.

The material tag does work. I don't like using it because the information is buried in the Material Identity window - and I'd have to create a new material (e.g., metal-aluminum-fascia; metal-aluminum-drip edge; metal-aluminum-wall panel) so I could get a different message to read for every use of that material.

Any ideas?

cliff collins
2010-02-05, 05:54 PM
Keynoting is probably the best solution here.


2010-02-05, 06:56 PM
many special categories of objects will not tag in Revit, even if they have the same system parameters as taggable objects (Type comments, for example).

The only way to tag these objects is using the keynote tag, as follow:

1. Select "Keynote, element"
2. Make sure to chose "Keynote Number" as element type!!
3. Tag your object
4. Hit escape when the keynoting window pops up, then esc again to get out of the tag tool.
5. Select the keynote tag with the question mark you just created, and PR it.
6. In its istance property panel find the filed named "Key Value", click in it, and type your note. hit Ok.
7. Alternatevely, you can enter your note text directly in the "Keynote" field of the type property panel of the object (fascia, gutter, etc.)

Most likely, you will want to edit the keynote tag to take out the box of lines around the label, so that the leader line will attach better to the text...
Also, you may want to create a left and right align tag.

Hopefully, Autodesk will fix these problems, and in the future multycategory tags will be able to access these special familes as well...



PS: remember that the above DOES NOT INVOLVE the keynote TXT file! The above strategy does not rely on the txt file at all, it simply adds a value to the keynote parameter in the type, and displays it in the tag.

2010-02-05, 07:01 PM
Thanks, Gio, that helped me!

Ning Zhou
2010-04-22, 02:42 PM
multi-category tag cannot tag gutter/fascia/sweep/reveal/etc., but it can accommodate multi-lines.

keynote tag can tag everything w/o actually using keynote txt file, but i just found out it cannot accommodate multi-lines.

so i have to use plain text notes to do "tagging" for fascia/soffit/etc. stuff.

i don't know if 2011 already solve the problem, or any better workaround?

2010-09-16, 09:17 AM
Thanks Gio for the workaround - very useful. Revit needs to fix this though - we use both keynotes and tags - tags for detailed descriptions such as 300 x 200 culumn and keynotes to cross reference the specification which does not refer to the size of the column - managing sizes and that level of detail in an external text file just becomes too much

2015-02-05, 09:40 PM
Hi, I know it's a bit late, but right now I'm kind of in the same situation, but I can't use the keynote tag because I want to make a schedule with the information, and I already have every other element ready with the fields "Model" and "Description" filled for this. If I use that tag, I would have to re-do everything with the keynotes field.

Here's what I did...

1.- I use the model in-space command (under "Component", under "Architecture" tab), select the "roof" category, and draw the gutter in the "roof" category.
The gutter is easily done with the "sweep" command, you can even select the same profile that is used in the "gutter" command, or else load one of your preference.
2.- After you finish the modeling, click finish and then you may edit the mass's identity data.
3.- Tag the element with a roof tag.

Hope someone finds this useful.