View Full Version : "Serious Error" - HELP!

2010-01-29, 03:47 PM
Working on my project this morning, adding a topo surface, I got the following error:

"A serious error has occurred. It is strongly recommended that you use Save As to save your work in a new file before continuing"

There is no other information.

I did that - it saved a recovery file.

If I open either the recovery file, or my original file, and attemtp to do any work, I get the same error!

What do I do now?

2010-01-29, 03:51 PM
Working on my project this morning, adding a topo surface, I got the following error:

"A serious error has occurred. It is strongly recommended that you use Save As to save your work in a new file before continuing"

There is no other information.

I did that - it saved a recovery file.

If I open either the recovery file, or my original file, and attemtp to do any work, I get the same error!

What do I do now?
Whatever you do make sure that you keep your current back up files safe. i.e. dont keep saving the corrupt file over and over. If support can't fix the corrupt file you may need to loose work and go the latest good back up. You could try to locate the journal file and run it until you added the topo surface.

2010-01-29, 06:14 PM
Please report issue to Support, or at least post journal (ideally, with model) here. Thanks & sorry for your trouble!

2010-01-29, 08:16 PM
Here's the journal.

I note that I have a central file that is earlier than the apparently corrupt file: would it make sense to simply make a new local file, and continue from there?

2012-10-05, 02:22 AM
Same error with me.......My local reseller cant help

2012-10-06, 02:22 AM
Open a backup file prior to the error, do a saveas & options compress radio checkbox, and possibly a manual purge of attached images/CAD files/Links/old familys etc