View Full Version : Drafting Views - Insert from File

2010-02-01, 06:40 PM
I created a drafting view and saved it as a new view to a .rvt file.

I opened the .rvt file created from that view and ran the purge command to remove any elements that were not in use. However, when I insert the view into a project, it shows the following information dialog box:

Duplicate Types:
The following Types exist already but are different. The Types from the project into which you are pasting will be used.
- Sunlight from Top Right

I click ok, and the drafting view appears just fine in my new project. Is their a way to remove all unused elements from a export drafting view, or will I run into this each time I create a new drafting view and export it as a vew to import into other projects.

Thank You

2010-02-01, 09:38 PM
Probably not, because you can't completely get rid of all types of a system family. A project always must contain at least one wall type, one curtain wall type, one stacked wall type, one floor type, etc.

The Sun & Shadow settings are system settings, and so at least one type must exist. Since both your source and destination contain a type of the same name, that error comes up. But really it doesn't affect anything, and I never worry about it.

2010-02-02, 07:56 PM
But, if you find it extremely annoing, make a new sun/shadow type, call it drafting and purge the other type. Since the Drafting type is not already loaded in your project, you won't be getting any messages. Purge the project after completing and the drafting sun/shadowtype will be eliminated.