View Full Version : Nested structural family resizes back to default length?

2010-02-01, 08:15 PM
Hi all,
I have some regular wide flange structural beams placed in a family (the "mother family").
In the first placement in the project the mother family (and the beams within) looked as expected, that is, as I saved it in the family editor.
Then, I reopen the family and I edited the beam family to be shared. I then reloaded the mother family into my project.
Now the beams inside the mother family are 4' long, as per instance default.
I tried to create constraints to the dimensions I need, but it does not work.
The mother family does not need parameters, right now, I just need the beams to stay the size I made them.

Is this a bug?
How can we prevent revit from "moving/resizing" nested, shared family elements?

Thank you



2010-02-02, 10:22 PM
Anyone has any ideas?

Ning Zhou
2010-02-03, 03:04 PM
bug? yes or no, kind of tricky for nested structutal family, even worse for shared.
what i did before is to (re)create "structural" family using GM first and change to SB (or other structural category), i don't know if this will solve your case but you can try it, anyone has better solution?

2010-02-05, 07:05 PM
yeah, that is what I had to do, I recreated the w flange family (catalog and all), as a general line based family, then switched to structural framing.

It works quite well, and it keeps its length... :)

Thank you
