View Full Version : Door Swing Disappears when door is flipped

2010-02-06, 09:38 PM
Hey guys,

I was just checking some doors on my drawings and I noticed that one of my doors seemed to be "missing." However, when I click on the door opening, I get the flip arrows and I can see in the ribbon that I have in fact selected a door....I just can't see it for some reason!

Even more strange, if I flip the door, then I see it. If I flip it back, I can't see it. The wall that is hosting the door is an exterior wall, not sure if that's affecting it somehow.

Any ideas on what is causing this?

2010-02-06, 09:40 PM
Never Mind. I kinda figured it out: I had a hidden plan region in that area (left over from a previous design iteration). Not sure why the plan region was obscuring the swing though.