View Full Version : Planting Wireframe?

2003-09-22, 01:06 PM
In acuurender for Acad R14 if you chose the tree you needed it would place the correct wireframe model. Why in Revit can't you update the wireframe. Am I missing something? It updates the render image but I cant get to change the wireframe. Even tried to edit the family type. You can change/edit the wireframe in accurender but it doesn't update the wireframe in 3d view or the family WHY!! :x :x

David Conant
2003-09-22, 02:28 PM
The wireframe displayed in AutoCAD and the wireframe you see in Revit are generated by two entirely different methods. In Revit, a tree family consists of a representation used in wireframe, hidden line, and shaded views. Accurender substitutes its own representation in rendered views. Revit's non-rendered representaion will scale in proportion to the Plant Height parameter if it is created as a Planting family and then nested into an overarching Planting family.
Revit's wireframe is a 3d revit family consisting of model lines. You can make new wireframes as you like using the line tools in the family editor. The technique I used was to draw a plan representation and then create a series of ref planes passing through the center of the plan rep. By naming each of the ref planes, I was able to orient views to them an use them as work planes. I then went to one of the cardinal elevations and drew my first wireframe elevation view. Moving to each of the ref planes, I either drew a new wireframe, or pasted in a copy of one of the previous ones. Setting the ref planes at slightly uneven angles helps make the final effect look less mechanical. This base file is then saved and loaded into the primary file
I have attached the base files used in the current Revit content. Use them as starting points if that is helpful.

2003-09-23, 06:31 AM
Thanks for your reply. But its a work around. I have constructed the wireframes in a similar manner, I have managed to import trees from ADT into a plant family which works just aswell. Scaling is the problem. But It should be as easy as selecting the plant you want and the correct wire frame should insert, as it did a number of years ago. The same applies to ground cover. In accurender you were able to place a box/rectangle depicting the size of ground cover you needed. Now it's a hit & miss situation to get the correct size and coverage by placing small shrubs. The problem with this, is that you need to change the height to get the width, but then the ground cover sticks up to high. Due to the fact that it worked like that, the same should apply to Revit, or am I missing the point?