View Full Version : Programming Verification Schedules

2010-02-09, 09:42 PM
I am trying to create a schedule to illustrate that we have met our certain programming reuiqerment. I am able to get the program area and the actual area. How can I then take the total Area differential and get a total % that would then say whether or not we have met? I am familiar with formulas, but it appears that I can't us the total of the area differential, into a percentage of the total area.

Any help would be greatly appreciate. I have attached a current image of my schedule so far.


Emily Clark

cliff collins
2010-02-09, 10:05 PM
Not exclusively a Revit solution--but check out Trelligence Affinity for Revit.

It plugs into Revit and does precisely what you are after.

(Not a sales pitch)--just a real-world tool that I would suggest does a better job
at space planning and programming than Revit alone--with specific tool sets
for those tasks---and then it links bi-directionally with Revit's database.

You can develop your program in a spreadsheet format, do quick space-palnning/block diagrams, then import into Revit and it automatically builds walls and rooms from the Affinity program plug-in inside Revit

Well worth checking into.


2010-02-10, 01:23 AM

You can't use a calculated value as part of another formula, but you can use the custom parameter of the required area. Devise a formula using that, rather than the differential (you may have to then subtract it from 100%). Instead of (ReqArea-Area)/ReqArea, try
1-(Area/ReqArea) ?


2010-02-10, 05:43 PM
Thank you both! Nancy, I was going to send it to Ideate, but I didn't think it met the "technical support" requirements.

I think that should do it, you are a schedule master!!!