View Full Version : Calculated Value in Drawing List

2010-02-09, 11:40 PM
Please ref. the attached images. I'm creating a drawing list in a template for our office standards. I have a Project Parameter for assigned to sheets called "Sheet Discipline". the idea is "A" for Architectural, "C" for Civil, etc.. However I want the sheets in a specific order (not alphabetically) on the drawing list:


I thought I could create a calculated value in the drawing list schedule called "Sheet Order" with type set to either "Number" or "Text". Following the revit rules for formulas, it should be in the form of

IF (condition, result if true, result if false)

my formula read:

IF (Sheet Discipline=A, 4,?)

The "?" would tell me if a sheet hadn't been assigned a discipline. However, I get an error "the following isn't a valid schedule field: A".

It's not supposed to be a scheduled field, it's supposed to be a scheduled field VALUE. What am I doing wrong?

2010-02-10, 05:04 AM

IF (Sheet Discipline="A", "4","?")

Are you headed for this:

IF (Sheet Discipline="G","1",IF (Sheet Discipline="C","2",IF (Sheet Discipline="L","3",IF (Sheet Discipline="A","4","?")))) etc

2010-02-10, 02:57 PM
I tried the quotes. No Luck. Yes, that's where I was headed, but just wanted to see if a simpler formula worked first.

I've read the posts on how others sort sheets in both the browser and the drawing list and am considering those options. I still want to figure how to get the calculated value to work.


2010-02-11, 12:09 AM
It seems like a calculated value is kind of a difficult way to do it. I came across this post on another website thats kinda old but works great with little work. Just a thought:


2010-02-11, 02:12 AM
or try a wildcard after the A : A*
This might not be accepted in a CV, tho, as it might trigger a multiplication function...

I guess I can understand why you want a CV, so the system will automatically number sheets as they are created, but I've never experienced much heartburn by just numbering them from a managment schedule which updates the simplified sheet version.