View Full Version : Another Convert!!!!

Les Therrien
2004-11-30, 05:38 PM
I was conversing with a former Prof. at the local college to see if they were teaching Revit yet because I wanted some fresh blood to work at my firm.
He said they'd had the software for a couple years but had no immediate plans for implementation. Haven't had time to look at it.
I told him it was the way to go and that they were wasting their time with ADT. If they wanted to prepare students for the job market then they should get on board with Revit soon or fall behind.

Well guess what!?
He just emailed me from Autodesk University in Las Vegas stating the following:
"your email a few weeks ago inspired me to take classes on Revit. You were right when you said it is a great program, it blows Arch Desktop away! So I'm pumped now and guess what I will be teaching next year..."

Another one down! Thousands more to go..........

2004-11-30, 07:02 PM
See there is the difference between North Americans and the English. No professor that I know would ever say 'I'm pumped'.

Les Therrien
2004-12-01, 12:04 AM
admittedly they're not as sophisticated at the college level.
I wouldn't expect to hear that from a university prof.

2004-12-01, 09:56 AM
Ah see, there's another difference. We wouldn't make a teacher in a college a professor.

Les Therrien
2004-12-01, 11:48 AM
Actually, we don't call them profs. at college level. Only the ones that deserve respect that I would refer to as prof.
Trust me, there are only a few!!! :-)