View Full Version : Coordinates and Coordination

2010-02-10, 10:23 PM
I am setting up a large project file and its coordinate sharing system and am stumped as to the best way of establishing and sharing cooridinates across disciplines and across buildings.

To give a little background on the project. The site is about a mile square, there are roughly eight buildings, some larger and more complex, some smaller and simpler.
We have architecture, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and lighting all using revit platforms for all building/ structures throughtout the site. We also have civil using 3D Civil.

Currently, my thinking is that I will utilize a site file as the main "lead dog" file from which to publish coordinates. I have built the file using a survey point and and project control point that civil and archectural have discussed in length. The site file has all the the civil files, topo files, survey files and landscape coming in in the proper location. I have established the revit survey point and control point to locate with those established in the civil file.

I have linked in an architecture model to the site. Moved it to the proper location and elevation and published the coordinates back to the architecture building file. This all seems to be working as planned.

My question is what is the best methodology for translating the building location to all the sub disciplines' models? Is it best to link them into the site file as well and publish out the coordinates? Or is there a way to share the coordinates the architecture file aquired form the site file to the other disciplines without having to link all the discplines files into the site file? If i have an archicture model that has acquired shared cooridnated how do I translate those points to files with out change a writing over the acquired shared coordinates?

Any thoughts out there?


cliff collins
2010-02-10, 10:53 PM
Does this help?



2010-02-18, 12:52 AM
The video tutorial did clarify a few things. But from this point, after having the corridinates published from the host file to the linked Building files. How do you get the linked files corrdinates to the subconsultant files. Can they acquired the coordinates from the linked Arch Revit files, whose corridinates are generated via the host file? Or do the Subconsultant files need to aquire their coordinates from the host file as well?

My concern is that there is more room for confusion working in the host file if there are 4 to 5 disciplines per building all trying to link into the same location. Imagine the complexity of the host file when there are seven or eight buildings all with four to five disciplines linked in.

My goal is to be able to establish the building locations the way the video tutorial explains, but then instead of repeating that task for each discipline for each building via the host file, be able to share the building cooridinates directly from the building files to the subconsultant files without necessarily interfacing with the host model. That way I can keep the complexity of each building to itself while avoiding a host files with thirty plus Revit links to manage.

Is this possible? Host Site file publishing corridinates to a Arch Building file and then MEP and Structural Files aquiring corridantes form the Arch building file.



2010-02-18, 02:58 AM
Once the building files have their coordinates published the other trades can acquire coordinates from the architecture building files. Beware large coordinate values. The Acquire Coordinates tool doesn't acquire properly when the coordinate values are really big. Just be sure to verify that the coordinate values in the master site project are reporting the correctly. If they are then you should be okay from there. It wouldn't hurt to make sure the Publish Coordinates tool pushing the correct values though, trust...but verify. :smile:

cliff collins
2010-02-18, 04:01 PM
"Is this possible? Host Site file publishing corridinates to a Arch Building file and then MEP and Structural Files aquiring corridantes form the Arch building file."

Yes. This is the correct workflow.


2010-02-18, 09:53 PM
Thanks for your input.
