View Full Version : Revit Link Unloading itself

2010-02-11, 03:15 PM
I had this problem once before, fixed it, and now can't remember how I fixed it.

I have a large 2009 Revit file linked as an overlay and pretty much every morning when I come in, i have to reload the link. The link exists in a subfolder of the folder that contains our main Revit model.

There are far worse problems to have, but my biggest concern is that someone who doesn't know Revit will go to open the file for something and freak out when the background is missing (there aren't many Revit friendly users in the office).

Any tips would be appreciated.

2010-02-12, 07:57 AM
have you tried to 'Reload from' and repath to the location on the server? I also would recommend entering the full unc path (\\server name\folder location) rather than a named drive (P:/). This will be the absolute path but you can always change it to relative if you need to at a later date.

2010-02-12, 03:44 PM
We had some similar trouble. You might find this post helpful.

2018-11-20, 02:24 PM
I have had the same problem. The MEP Model Kept unloading every time I opened the model. The problem was that the when the MEP engineer detached from Central, He did not discard worksets, or perhaps he did not detach the model first. Either way, the MEP model file path was to their server, and our path was as a "Alias Local" I opened the MEP model and detached from central then saved. I removed then reloaded the detached file into my project. The problem went away.