View Full Version : Door Fails to Place in Wall?

2010-02-11, 05:19 PM
I've never run into this before but I can't place any of my door families in a campus model I've been working on. Very Strange! And no I'm not trying to place the door into a linked file. Just some simple context buildings within the campus model.

My windows work fine and if I open a new project the doors work fine in that project. Doors are set to visible. I just get the international do not enter symbol when I mouse over the walls when trying to drop a door.

Any ideas what's going on. It's probably a simple solution and my senility is just getting worse.

Alex Page
2010-02-11, 07:44 PM
Two quick simple thoughts...(just in case you're having a 'moment'!)
1.Sure the walls arent curtain walls or something else masquarading as walls?
2.Tried it in 3d? Just in case its something to do with your view?

2010-02-11, 07:58 PM
Not curtain walls, just a plain old cmu wall. It was the wall in the 3D view I intitially tried to drop the door into, then I checked the plan view was well but the operation failed. That's when I went to a new project, thinking maybe I was hitting a memory wall in the computer but the door dropped in fine.

2010-02-11, 08:05 PM
Is it a workset file? Is that workset locked out for you?

2010-02-11, 09:05 PM
Yes it is a workset but is editable, good call though.

I should add that Revit is 64 bit running on a Windows 7 OS. Also the file is a central file while the test I ran was on a non-centralized file.

2010-02-12, 07:52 AM
How thick are the walls ?
I´m asking because, I´ve once build some doors, that would not be placed in thin walls, due to some parameters/constraints for linings etc...

You could also try inserting the very same doors, into a new project - Just to test it....

2010-02-12, 03:54 PM
In your RFA, define another Wall Type with a different depth, say 1'. Try swapping the Wall Type in the family editor. I suspect that you have some constraint that's breaking when the wall depth is changed.