View Full Version : Export Revit license failed - 'max no of exports reached...'

2010-02-13, 06:16 PM
It's a weekend and I am trying to set up my new PC with Revit 2010.

I've always had a main PC and a backup PC with Revit installed and in the past with 2010 I've exported a license to Autodesk from an old PC, then imported it to run Revit on the new PC.

3dsMaxDesign2010 works fine with this, but when I try to export the Revit 2010 license via the utility provided, I get a 'Export request failed... the maximum number of exports for this serial number has been reached. You may not export more licenses than you have purchased.'

I can run in 30 day demo mode on the new PC until I get this sorted out but I though the idea was that the utility provided with Revit 2010 allowed you to transfer your license (as with Adobe products), but it would seem that there is a limit to how often you can do this.. ?

I wondered if anyone had come across this before?

Paul Monsef
2010-02-13, 07:01 PM
Are you running on Windows 7 x64? I have seen this for both MAX and Revit.

I have seen this error when testing win7. I also filed a support request - and was told "the license transfer utility is not compatable with win7"

You will need to activate a new license.

2010-02-13, 08:14 PM
I am indeed running Win 7 x64.

Many thanks :beer:

I'll take it up with my reseller/Autodesk.