View Full Version : Filled region display in nested families

2010-02-16, 07:15 PM
Hi all,

I couldn't find a workaround on my own and I'm hoping someone here can help. Basically, I'm creating my own graphics for our site plans and I've tried nesting a detail component with color filled regions into a planting family. When the planting family is inserted in a project the color fill goes away in shaded view.

This doesn't happen with the detail component inserted directly and not nested.

Any thoughts on how to get this to work?

I'm going to nose around in some family templates right now and see what I come up with....



Maxime S
2010-05-17, 06:31 PM
Hi Eric,

I just got the same exact issue that you described... I noticed that if you select your familly and move it around, the filled region takes the same color as your selection color from the options dialog box?!?

Does this do the same thing for you?

2010-05-17, 06:34 PM
Could it be coming from the cut-plane height in the family editor?

We need something like this for our planting plans, though. Invariably I always get questions from contractors or other people looking at the plans like "what are these pie-chart looking things" lol uhh those are trees :p

2010-05-17, 07:24 PM
In order for nested detail components to display in project, you must be cutting the family. An option (that I'm not sure if it will work still) is to place an invisible line in the family that you can adjust to intersect with the view's cut plane.

Is this happening in the site plan or on floor plans as well?