View Full Version : (2010) Transferring filters in View Templates

2010-02-18, 04:11 AM
I've decided it's long overdue that I set up view templates - and the project I'm presently working on is providing me the perfect opportunity.

But I've reached a bit of hurdle - essentially the same as THIS CHAP (http://www.revitcity.com/forums.php?action=viewthread&thread_id=11990) ;

I've three View Templates set up; Fire, Acoustic & Risk in a "exemplar" project file.

For Room objects I have color fill legends looking at (the inbuilt) "Fire Rating" parameter, and (introduced shared parameters) "dB" & "Risk". For Walls (types) I have colour-override filters looking at the same parameters.

Checking each of the template's settings suggest the filters all form part of the templates...


I've transferred the templates, filters, colour-fill legends & project parameters (inc. all shared parameters) from the "exemplar" file to another of our model files and populated the parameters for a number of the rooms and walls, but oddly, although the room object based colour overrides come through (as do the filters) the vg colour settings of the filters do not.

Is there a way to ensure that they do - or will I have to coordinate exacting RGB colour values & pattern-styles for overrides numbering in the tens of dozens across 8 model files!?!!?

Any help?

2010-02-22, 01:09 AM
No one?! I'd have thought this was quite a simple thing to remedy...