View Full Version : Element Properties Dialogue Bug ?

2004-12-01, 04:22 PM
I encountered the following problem more than once.
> Element Properties dialog box > pull down menu's do not work anymore.
Once so far, the only way to have the possibility to select again is closing Revit and restart.
I am new to Revit, possible I do not handle Revit well ... but last time >>> after ±15 min >> bingo !

2004-12-02, 03:53 AM

Does this happen in any Revit project file?
Does it happen repeatedly?
Does this happen for a specific object type?
Have you had time to contact Revit Support about this?

2004-12-02, 01:40 PM
Does this happen in any Revit project file?
Since I am just at the beginning of learning how to use Revit, I do not save/open many projects yet. Nearly every Revit-session ends up with several open projects. All rather very simple try outs.
Does it happen repeatedly?
Lets say ... 5 times in a couple of weeks.
Does this happen for a specific object type?
No ... certainly not ...
Have you had time to contact Revit Support about this?
I reinstall Revit first ... if it is continuous ... I do.



Martin P
2004-12-02, 01:56 PM
Not something I have come across before? Maybe Revit is simply locking up. Could be that you dont have enough RAM and have loads of windows open......

every now and again you should close projects that you dont need open, If you dont, at least use the "window > close hidden windows" option in Revit, if you have several projects running Revit can have in the backround a load of windows using up more and more memory......

You should not leave your computer running overnight and pick up again with Revit, always shut it down when finished - Revit creates a text file called a journal, which will get V BIG if you do just leave running for days....

2004-12-02, 02:30 PM
Are you using dual monitors? If the Revit window is placed on the second screen, or across the two screens, the pull-down menu will not work if the menu is on the second window.

2004-12-02, 02:54 PM
Are you using dual monitors? If the Revit window is placed on the second screen, or across the two screens, the pull-down menu will not work if the menu is on the second window.
Depending on the hardware drivers. I don't think is an issue for everyone, Abe.

2004-12-02, 06:29 PM
And do you have the latest build of Revit?

2004-12-02, 10:41 PM
Hello ....
ABE.... I just checked what you mentioned ... and yes ! ... the dual monitor is the villain ... just moving the properties dialogue box from the right monitor to the left or vice versa solves or creates the problem.
Also thanks to FK, Pete, Martin and Steve to reply.
