View Full Version : Anyone worked with the Revit Licence Monitor?

2003-09-22, 11:13 PM
We're switching our Revit licences over to a network 'site licence' set-up. Currently our Revit licences are all stand-alone. The install of the Revit Licence server seems straightforward, but I'd thought I post the question here if anyone out there is using it, what you think of it, and what problems you might have had with it.

Thanks a ton.

2003-09-23, 01:08 AM
Yes it is pretty straight forward...the server that it resides on ideally should have direct internet access so the six month update interval is "automatic".

If you've used Globtrotters FlexLM application for other software it should offer no surprises. It does not use an option file like other Autodesk FlexLM apps do to allow for license rules like who gets priority or grouping people etc.

My only blip was my first day on vacation was also the license update due date...(didn't check it before I left)...so Revit tries to access the internet to get the new license and an error occurred. Ours folks contacted Revit support and they emailed the needed info...to ME! :shock: :lol: I didn't check email till the second day of vacation...oops! At least it didn't hamper things since the team was working on other issues.

2003-09-23, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the heads-up. Can I ask what kind of server you're running it on? Is that server your main server, or is it only for the Revit licences, or a mix? Just wondering where to roll this out, there isn't any documentation I can find about it's needs and such, so I've got to bug y'all... :)

2003-09-23, 05:01 PM
It's a win2k server box...it is one of several servers...mostly libraries and such...I believe users folders are also stored on it. The license server just needs to be "seen" on the domain so a workstation can supply a server name or IP address to authorize against. I can even validate against the server via our VPN...pretty cool.

I found the documentation to be "lite" but appropriately so, it's not a very "deep" topic really.

2003-09-23, 05:52 PM
This is all great news. I figured it was simple, and hense why there wasn't too much documentation. But you never know with computers and so... Well I'm glad to hear that it sounds easy. Once AutoDesk gets it a** in gear and gets our stand-alone licences switched to network ones I'll let y'all know how it turns out. :)

thanks again!

Vincent Valentijn
2003-09-24, 08:41 AM
As Steve said.. pretty simple and straight forward.. I just wanted to mention the following site in case you might run into any problems:
