View Full Version : Plotting causes AutoCAD to freeze up
I'm using a network plotter with Autocad 2005 (Windows2000 O/S). We use custom paper sizes (24"x36" and 30"x42" with 0" margins) and generally I have never had a problem, but recently when I click the plot button, the hourglass icon comes on and Autocad locks up. I have to use the task manager to shut it down. This only happens sometimes, but it is very very frustrating. I had Autocad re-installed and this did not fix the problem. Any suggestions?
2004-12-02, 12:47 AM
Why are you specifying 0" margins is my biggest question?
Is the plotter on-line (turned on and ready) when this happens?
As this sounds symptomatic of the plotter not being available
at that moment you attempt to plot.
Well, at my company we have borders drawn at 1:1 scale. We insert the drawings as xrefs into the "sheet" drawings scaled down the appropriate number. This way all plotting is 1:1. There are tickmarks drawn at the corners of the border on the defpoints layer so essentially our margins are created in the drawings rather than using the plotter. This is just the way it is done here and I don't really know why or if it is inferior to do it this way, but in general it works pretty well for us.
The problem with plotting is limited only to my computer. I have deleted and the pc3 file and made a new one several times. The files I created for every else's computers work just fine, I am the only one getting this problem (we all plot to the same network plotter).
I can't figure out what the heck is going on with it.
2004-12-02, 01:40 AM
The method you are using is A way to do it only
it isn't the way plotting is really designed to function.
I would love to talk you through the concept that the
plotting function is designed to use.
Yes all plotting would still be at 1:1
Yes you would still insert your drawings
(as XREFS) into model space at 1:1 no scaling
and then you would position a Viewport on your
Layout tabs and set its scale.
And them plot by LAYOUT not window, extents or view.
It is virtually automatic when set correctly.
No need for any dots on Defpoints on any such setup aids.
No need for plotter offsets........
However none of the above have anything to do with
your intermittent plotter issue. The first thing that I would do
is check all network connections and or replace your network
card, perhaps if possible switch the ports into which
any and all of your patch cords in the hub to see if that isn't
a source. As this sounds like a network issue more than a
AutoCAD one.
It seems to only occur though when I am using a custom paper size. I don't know, I'll figure something out!
BTW, I'm sure there is a better way, unfortunately I am a small fish in a big pond. We are in the process of trying to get at least our department updated and using the full capabilities of Autocad 2005. I'm sure some of our methods are antiquated, but there is probably reasons why it has been set up in this way. I'm trying to get myself up to speed as best as I can. Thanks for the info anyway.
2004-12-02, 02:35 AM
What plotter are you plotting to?
Were the custom page sizes configured
at the plot server? Perhaps you are asking
it to do something it can not do.
2005-08-24, 03:14 AM
I know this is an older thread, but no resolution seems to have been posted. My situation differs in that I have files that won't plot. They are using standard sheets sizes. I have been able to narrow down the number of users who have been in the affected files to two or three.
The only way I can get these files to plot is to open a brand new file, insert the problem file and explode it. I have tried everything from audit, purge, and WBlock to "clean" up the files. Some of the previously mentioned suggestion have already been checked out. I am at the beginning stages of a 43,000 acre project and cannot let this grow or migrate.
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