View Full Version : Problem Editing Toposurface Points

2004-12-02, 04:14 AM
Hi Everyone
I am having a problem getting Revit to behave itself when editing toposurfaces. I'm using Version 7
The problem seems to be that Revit arbitrarily decides which points are boundary points and which are internal points as I add them to the surface. There does not seem to be any way I can tell Revit which are which. The result is that the surface misbehaves itself randomly - some points are OK others are not. Starting to tear remaining hair out - not a pretty sight.
Anyone got any ideas?

2004-12-02, 04:18 AM
Basically this is a known limitation with topo.

Revit isn't really a civil application.

One thing you can try is placing more points closer together to get the desired result.

2004-12-02, 04:23 AM
Thanks Beegee

I thought that might be the only solution. Guess I'll keep plugging away at it or split out the problem area and create a new surface (Sighs with the thought of reentering all the elevation data)

Steve W

2004-12-02, 08:42 AM

I know how you feel. Revit does however apply level points in fairly logical locations, but there are also a few Revit applies to maintain a certain continuity of level. When I edit a toposurface, I find that the 3d view is essential because I have to flip the model up and find the pesky points from underneath the model. These are pretty easy to find as it usually is where the topo dives down to a point. These points visible underneath in 3d cant usually been seen from above. Once you have the rhythm, it gets pretty fast to edit.

Hope this helps.


2004-12-02, 02:26 PM
Also viewing the model in wireframe during surface editing works well. I also like 3d as Marty said because you can see the surface change as you place the points, and it helps you determine if you have them close enough together to get the surface appearance you want!