View Full Version : Revit & Cloud Computing

2010-02-25, 07:34 PM
Our office is planning on switching to Cloud computers for our everyday production work (i.e. Revit, AutoCAD, etc.).

I've briefly skimmed the article "BIM and the Cloud" on the AECbytes website. I am not a IT person. I know and understand Revit fairly well and I am having a hard time understanding how specifically Revit would work with the Cloud.

I would like to understand how it would work with Revit since the article (to me) mostly addresses the business side but not the workflow or production/design side of BIM and the Cloud. Any informatoin would be greatly appreciated.


Thomas Maleski
2010-02-26, 02:08 PM
The issue I see with this is the license agreement. Currently one can not run Autodesk products this way since the license manager does not pick up the additional user(s). Back in the day Autodesk had a thin client install for their products, it worked like a charm at the firm I worked for. They need this idea back in place. There might be ways around this by using standalone seats, install one standalone seat on the server but purchase say 8. The drawback is you will always have 8 seats tied up even if they are not.