View Full Version : Paste element by level problem:

jj mac
2010-02-25, 10:01 PM

I am trying to paste some elements in my model from one level to the level above. When I do so, the element I am pasting shows up in the same place that I copied it from.

In the properties of the object it tells me that the element is on the correct level, but in reality it is on the level below.

I have tried checking if the workplane is correct (which it is) and that all view ranges are set to be default. As a work around we have been manually placing the elements where they need to go and everything obviously works fine, but this is not very efficient.

Anyone have any ideas? The file has worksharing enable, and there are about 5 people working on the file.

Thanks in advance.

cliff collins
2010-02-25, 10:37 PM
See if the object itself is "constrained" to a certain Level in the Family itself,
or has a "hosted to workplane" relationship.

You could also select all instances on the base level, then in an elevation view
use copy/disjoin and copy them up to the other Levels.


jj mac
2010-02-26, 08:26 PM
The element was not constrained in the family. The family basically consists of a bunch of lines and an extrusion that is 5mm thick. (It is a parking stall family with an outline, some symbolic lines to indicate front and back, and then the extrusion which is the parking stripe.)

The lines are all hosted to a work plane, but not locked or constrained in any way.

The weird thing is that it only seems to be certain instances in the project that are affected. I guess it's more of an annoyance than anything. It's hard to recreate the error in a different file as well.

For now we're employing the workaround suggested, which isn't really that big of a deal.

Thanks for your help Cliff.