View Full Version : Revit Partition Family

2010-02-26, 06:30 PM
We've been using a Modernfold partition family that we downloaded some time ago and for the most part all of the adjustable parameters seem to work well except for the height parameter. When I "flex" the height parameter in the family editor, the panels that are in the middle of the array temporarily move up vertically once I click Apply. However, once I click OK the panels reset to the reference level so that it appears to be correct. Once I load the family into a project and change the height parameter those panels permenantely move vertically. I've spent some time looking at the family and have not been able to figure how the array is locked to the planes and why the panels only move up by the same dimension. I've attached a couple of screenshots along with the file.


2010-02-26, 08:40 PM
From a quick look at it, it seems like you only need to align the second pair in the array to the above (or below) ref. plane, and lock that constraint... i´m sure that´s the ninja trick you´re looking for :beer: