View Full Version : How to Stage construction - composite slab on steel girder

2010-02-26, 07:11 PM
I am bridge engineer and very new to Robot.

In a composite bridge of concrete slab on steel baems; the first stage we load the naked beam with the wet concrete and in stage two we consider the bridge as composite and load with other loads including live loads. I wonder how do I go about modeling this multi-stage structure and automatically accumulate stresses from stage to stage considering the stresses at a point in the beam are built using section that are naked section in the initial stage and a composite section in next stages. I want to avoid - of course - manually combining the resposnse and check resistance by solving many problems.

2010-02-27, 03:42 PM
I think that you can't do that in Robot.
I will be hapy if Robot can do that, but as i know Robot haven't this capability.

2010-02-28, 02:07 AM
I think that you can't do that in Robot.
I will be hapy if Robot can do that, but as i know Robot haven't this capability.

I will be surprised if a program that powerful which can deal with all sorts of forced vibration and nonlinear analysis could not do this. If so, could we model a link element between the beams and slab that has zero stiffness in the first stage (naked beam) and rigid properties in the composite stage. Or what you are saying the program could not do stages at all ?