View Full Version : Campus Setup + Linking embedded information with others?

2010-02-26, 10:21 PM
I'm teaching a Revit Class. The students are going to take on modeling the campus. I have a few questions and would like to get feedback on my setup.

This is a college campus with a few dozen buildings. My plan is to model each building separately starting with each building being a simple mass. Then create a Site Plan Model which would contain the topo, sidewalks, roadways etc... Within the Site Plan Model I'd link in the buildings move them to their relative locations and then publish their coordinates. At this point in time The buildings could be passed around and modeled by their respective teams.

Now the questions. The school has some tree's that they are very proud of and it would be nice to link those to some outside source. It hasn't been determined where to yet. It might be a website, it might be some database I just don't know. I believe that the url embeded in the tree type might make the most sense?

It would also be nice to link to pictures from other things as well. Right now I'm thinking a 3d Camera (generic model) could possibly be used using the same url concept above.

Once those things get worked out, how do we share this information to the outside non-revit world? I'd think that DWF would do it but I'm not having any success. It seems the url information isn't available from within DWF. Perhaps I need to make the url be an instance property? I haven't tried that yet.

I appreciate the help and I'm excited to get this project going. It should be a blast.

One more thing. Would it make more sense to create a third *Master Campus* model and link everything there vs within the site model? I'm not sure what advantage that would have if any.


2010-02-26, 11:14 PM

From what you´re saying, it sounds like you are on the right track, and what an interesting project for the students !

1. If the tree´s represent a real object(family), you could make an URL type of parameter to point to it - if not, you could make a projekt parameter (URL) pointing to the tree´s website or database (not really being associated with the tree´s though)

2. Pretty much the same as above...

3. No idea what so ever, but maybe NavisWorks, TurnTool or similar products can help you out...

4. The third campus model i see no use for, what so ever.

Well, not much help from here, but best of luck with your project.

2010-03-01, 05:58 PM
Any other ideas how to make this information available for those in the outside (non-Revit) world?

And to make this easier.

1 = How to link info to the tree's.
2 = How to link images
3 = How do I share these links outside of Revit to non-Revit folk.
4 = Is a third Campus Model necessary?

Thanks for the feedback.