View Full Version : Spot Elevation made to look like Level?

2010-02-26, 10:27 PM
Hi there.

I'm starting to get the hang of Revit now. I'm actually starting to like it.

But one thing I DON'T like is that when you copy a level, it propagates EVERYWHERE. So not cool.

I'm trying to edit the spot elevation family to look like a level indicator. I'm close. The two things I can't do is change the leader linetype to be a grid line and put annotation on top of the line (the bottom is the elevation #)

Any system family editor experts out there? I've attached a pic to show you where I'm at.


Well, after posting this I saw a similar thread that answered NO to this question. oh well. It was worth a shot. Wishlist addon right there. Let's allow leader tweaking!