View Full Version : Midstream Workset Reassignment

2010-02-27, 03:42 AM
Hi all, I'm managing the production of a 300k sf renovation project that I got into during the programming phase after most of the existing had been created. It's easily the biggest job I've helped manage, and as the current "revit guy" I've been dipping my toes into large file management issues.

My question centers around worksetting the abundant systems furniture in the project. I've created a workset for the CAD files linked in and for the systems furniture, and at some times the properties of the walls used to represent panelized cubicles (an issue itself) will not let me re-assign the workset from 'main model' to 'systems furniture' and at others it will. Is this simply an issue of no one else working in the 'main model' workset or is something else the culprit. It's not consistently either way and I'd like to know what's going on.

Scott Womack
2010-03-01, 11:18 AM
When working in a workset enabled file, and trying to change the workst of an object, the trick is, you have to make the selected object(s) editable by you. Select the objects, then Right-click, and make towards the bottom, there shoulf be a make ojectes editable. Select that. Then you'll be able to change the workset. Just selecting the object, without some other operation being performed on it, does not actually make you the borrower of that object.

2010-03-01, 02:03 PM
Thanks a lot Scott, that works well and doesn't require checking out an entire workset. I'm still curious about why some elements seem to be editable by default and others need to be made editable though.