View Full Version : Revit 7.0 on CD ( + Revit 7.0 Ship Date )

2004-12-02, 04:34 PM
Has anyone received their Revit 7.0 cd yet? Obviously we'd like to get our network licensing in place before the 60 day trail period expires

Scott Hopkins
2004-12-02, 07:41 PM
Living in California I am usually on the leading edge of the mailing curve for the new Revit CD. Nothing yet but I'll keep you posted.

2004-12-02, 09:02 PM
Forget the holidays...;P

I want my CD!

2004-12-02, 09:31 PM
I don't remember who I heard this from at AU, but it should be about December

2004-12-09, 02:38 PM
has anyone heard of any ship dates for the CD's? I have been waiting patiently to install 7.0 (fearing the 30 trial fiasco). my reseller has no idea, i keep reading about new features but can only drool for now.

Martin P
2004-12-09, 04:34 PM
I hope its soon, I have only got 16 days trial left.....

Clyne Curtis
2004-12-09, 05:29 PM
I got a call from our re-seller this morning and he said shipping was to start on the 13th of December. Hope that's a lucky 13!


Cathy Hadley
2004-12-09, 07:10 PM

Am I understanding you correctly?

You have installed R7 in trial mode at various workstations and then when you get your serial numbers you can just convert them to network licenses? without having to reinstall?

Just looking for a confirmation here...

I heard the CD's should ship early next week.


2004-12-09, 07:47 PM
same info here Dec 13th

Bim Man
2004-12-09, 07:56 PM
i am down to 17