View Full Version : Curtain System Tags?

2010-03-02, 05:41 PM
I'm working on a project with some curtain walls angled slightly out of vertical. These were done as curtain systems applied over a mass object. Now we're putting together a window and curtainwall schedule and it appears that there are _no_ tags for curtain systems? Is this true? You can easily tag out of plane walls. Short of tagging the panels - which I don't really want to do as it's a third category taking the same tag - how do people handle this issue?

2010-03-02, 08:18 PM
For now I'm making an in-place family for each piece of sloped glazing and I'm tagging that. Definitely a workaround.

I'd be interested to know how other people are taking care of this - dummy tags with note blocks? Curtain panel schedules? I'm also not sure why Revit has decided that curtain systems should not be taggable, even by multi-category tags.

cliff collins
2010-03-02, 09:36 PM
Yes--I'd like to see these features in future releases:

1. The ability to "disconnect" the objects from the Mass that were created from it's faces.

2. Once disconnected, be able to change the properties of a Curtain System
to a "normal" curtain wall, or other type.

Just a question: Does a Curtain System fall under the "wall" category? and if so,
will it schedule in a wall schedule? I don't have a current example to check this on.


2010-03-02, 11:29 PM
Just a question: Does a Curtain System fall under the "wall" category? and if so,
will it schedule in a wall schedule? I don't have a current example to check this on.


No... and that's the odd thing. Non vertical walls are still walls. Non vertical curtain walls are "curtain systems," which are actually not even a category as far as i can tell. This means no tagging or scheduling, even though they can be visually identical to a curtain wall.

2011-02-04, 04:50 PM
I have a related question (I think)...Is there a way to tag, or a workaround, to create traditional "Frame Type Elevations" (i.e. an individual identifier and elevation, for each unique connected series of mullions and glazing: (aka a "Frame Type")). My Office (on Revit 2010) has been scratching our heads about this for some time now. We have made a workaround by using an Elevation Tag (duplicating either Interior or Exterior) and naming the view number as the Frame Type that we want that Frame identified by (i.e. "F27", see example), and hiding the sheet number.

This works OK, but 2 issues: 1.) that we can't change the shape of the Elevation Tag to what we want (a hexagon) (or can we?...its a "system family": how does one duplicate and edit that--I can't find it in my Project Browser) 2.) this can't be represented parametrically in Building Elevations....we like for the Frame Type to show up on those as well.

Another way around has been to make a different wall type for each unique storefront frame: for those, we can use a wall tag that looks the way we want. This works for small projects, and shows up in elevation, but when you get dozens of Frame Types it adds a whole bunch of extra wall types to your browser, and the nightmare of coordinating the Type Name and Type Mark.

I guess what I'm looking for is something like a window tag, but one that works on walls (curtain systems)...or, is the answer to create our storefront or curtainwall as windows, so they tag like windows? (its own set of issues I suppose).

Scott Womack
2011-02-04, 09:31 PM
We use a differently shaped "wall" tag that tags the curtainwall "wall"/system. We added our own shared parameter for Curtainwall type as an instance, then "tag" by tabbing to get the curtainwall.

As to Curtainwall Elevations, We created a curtainwall type of Elevation Symbol, and then on construction drawing plans we filter them to turn them off, and only keep them on in a working plan.