View Full Version : Rogue Material

2010-03-02, 08:07 PM

I had these cabinets that i downloaded from revit city i think. For the longest time i couldn't get a material to apply to the cabinets. I would edit the family, add a new material parameter, go into my project and pick a material, but i never showed up. Finally i figured out that the cabinet had been painted with the paint tool. So i went into the family, and painted it with "By Category" or "By Element" or whatever it is. In the project it let me change the material and it looks like it changed in a shading with edges view, but when i render it it is still gray.

Hoping maybe someone knows whats going on and how to fix it. Its really frustrating and making this render take alot longer than it should.


2010-03-02, 08:27 PM
I had this the other day and was puzzled by how to restore the 'un-painted' state of an object.

I applied a new material to an in-place family extrusion via Properties but the previously painted finish was displaying in shaded views.

I fixed it by painting the extrusion with the new material as well - which seemed a bit suspect but it then displayed correctly in shaded views and when rendered.

2010-03-02, 08:34 PM
Hmm. Thanks Ws

It appears that worked for me as well, but it more of a band aid than a fix.

There has to be a way to revert a painted object. I would like to be able to change materials in my project rather than painting every surface in the family editor every time.

cliff collins
2010-03-02, 09:06 PM
You need to make sure that the Material used in the Family is actually both in the Materials List in the Project file, and actually APPLIED to an object in the Project file.

The "By Category" should work for "restoring" a painted object back to it's "unpainted"

We try to avoid painting objects, and prefer to "build in" the materials into the object/family
to avoid the problems you are experiencing, as well as problems which can occur with painted materials on "split faces" which get deleted when wall joins/trims/happen, which in turn can delete keynotes and tags in the documentation...........


2010-03-02, 09:27 PM
You need to make sure that the Material used in the Family is actually both in the Materials List in the Project file, and actually APPLIED to an object in the Project file.

The "By Category" should work for "restoring" a painted object back to it's "unpainted"

We try to avoid painting objects, and prefer to "build in" the materials into the object/family
to avoid the problems you are experiencing, as well as problems which can occur with painted materials on "split faces" which get deleted when wall joins/trims/happen, which in turn can delete keynotes and tags in the documentation...........


Well what i did is made a parameter for material in the family editor, and when put it into my project and applied a material from inside the project, its not rendering. Am i doing something wrong

cliff collins
2010-03-02, 09:30 PM
Did you go to the Type properties of the Family from inside the Project and specify the Material? If so, make sure the list of Materials has the exact material you need in the project.

What happens if you "paint" the material on the family from inside the project?
Will it render?

Perhaps you could post an example.....


cliff collins
2010-03-03, 02:20 PM
Also, take a look here:


A commonly missed or misunderstood part of Revit.


2010-03-03, 03:43 PM
Thanks for the link. At least i know for sure i was doing the material parameter right.

The problem is, that when i apply a material from the project, it shows in shading w/ edges mode but when rendered its just gray.

cliff collins
2010-03-03, 04:18 PM
Try this:

Create a new project.

Load the family.

Check the Materials list in the new project and try adding the "new material" that you need, and then apply it to the family via its material parameter.

Under Options>Rendering make sure the path is set to point to the folder where the material maps are located.

Then see if it renders. If it does, there is something wrong in your original project.


2010-03-03, 04:39 PM
Thanks Cliff ill try that now.

Some other things to note. The same material is applied to many other objects in the scene that render correctly.

When i load the family into the project after editing it, it gives me the message "This element is not currently editable, would you like to make it editable and replace it"

^^ Something along those lines anyway.

Not sure if any of that matters but i thought id include it. Ill let you know the results of the test you mentioned in a few min.

2010-03-03, 04:46 PM
Well it worked fine in a new project, using the exact same material on the exact same object.

Do you have any idea what could be causing this problem?

2010-03-03, 06:00 PM
Does anyone no why this might be happening? Some setting is probably wrong in my project but i dont even know where to start.

2010-03-03, 06:38 PM
UPDATE: So i rendered the cabinet without a counter top and i realized that the material is showing up on the top but not on the sides.

Is there a way to designate that the entire extrusion should be materialized?

2010-03-03, 07:31 PM
I thought that the voids in my family may have been causing material problems... but i recreated the cabinets with only extrusions and as i went i did test renders after each piece. It worked fine for the first couple pieces.. then after i created the last piece of it, the front and inside walls of it stopped rendering.

I attached to family here. If anyone can help me out i would greatly appreciate it. This is becoming very frustrating.

cliff collins
2010-03-03, 08:21 PM
I took a quick stab at it.

see attached.


2010-03-04, 02:13 PM
did someone "paint" the face of the family? This can drive you batty if people do this.

2010-03-04, 03:52 PM
This thing is driving me nuts...

I took the one you made Cliff, and it worked in its own project, but as soon as i put it into my project and applied the wood material to all of it, it stopped working.

The top would render correctly but the sides all came out gray.

Another strange thing is that it seems to render correctly outside.

Maybe its a lighting problem?

Im about to give up on it... but i thought id let you guys know about my latest findings and hope that someone has a solution.

2010-03-04, 04:02 PM
I think it has to be something with my Lights (thought all i have in there is down lights, a couple pendants, and the sun coming in the window) or my render settings.

It appears that the texture is still there, but instead of brown it is a washed out gray color.

2010-03-04, 06:40 PM
Hey. I just gave up on trying to get it to work and just fixed the material color in photo shop after the fact.

Ive attached my final image, and im quite pleased with how well it rendered without having to use 3ds max.

Thanks Cliff for helping me on on this.

Let me know what you guys think of the render.

2010-03-04, 07:12 PM
Very nice. If I may suggest you move your camera back and turn off the wall behind you so youdon't have to stretch the crop sideways to show all you want. this will give you a better image.