View Full Version : Crop/ Do Not Crop VIew Changes Section Tags

2010-03-04, 05:06 PM
When I switch from cropped to not cropped views the section tag changes, see attached. I can switch the tags back and swap back to get the tails. It just seems odd that Revit would change the look of the tag based on weather a view is cropped or not.

Any idea why this would happen?

2010-03-04, 08:51 PM
I don't have an answer for you but just noticed this issue today when stretching a crop box. I made the crop box smaller (to exclude a certain section marker) then changed my mind and made it larger (to show the section marker again). I was surprised to notice that my section marker had switched from two tail ends to a head at one end and tail at the other (and the tail end had moved, too).

I hope someone can explain this. I found it odd...