View Full Version : Family Insertion rules

2010-03-05, 02:21 AM
Hi All,

I tried to do a search on this but I couldn't really find anything I could use.

What we want to do is set a parameter or rule if you like, in our door families that will prevent the door from being placed too close to adjacent wall.

ie. if a wheelchair is approaching a door head on , the door frame must be 120mm from the wall parallel to the line of travel etc etc.

Ideally we would like a warning to pop up if the door is placed less that the minimum distance. Is this possible?

I guess the issue is that not all doors are required to follow access and egress codes.

Does anyone else out there have a method to automate family insertion according to certain rules or parameters?

Scott Womack
2010-03-05, 11:53 AM
Does anyone else out there have a method to automate family insertion according to certain rules or parameters?

I don't think there is a way to "automate" a rule, without using the API. We have done a couple of things to our door families. 1) We added the handicapped clearances to our doors, along with check boxes, that based on front, or side approaches, as well as if the door has a closer (US issues) it adjusts the clearances accordingly.

To address your issue, I placed a reference plane in the family, and locked it to the edge of the frame, and then placed a piece of invisible line in the family, and locked it to this reference plane. Now there is a "point/intersection where the door family can be "grabbed" and locked to a wall surface at 90 deg to the door, so that if the wwall moves, the door remains spaced off that wall.

If you search on my name, somewhere there should be a couple of doors I've posted in the past illustrating this.

2010-03-05, 07:12 PM
To address your issue, I placed a reference plane in the family, and locked it to the edge of the frame, and then placed a piece of invisible line in the family, and locked it to this reference plane. Now there is a "point/intersection where the door family can be "grabbed" and locked to a wall surface at 90 deg to the door, so that if the wwall moves, the door remains spaced off that wall.

You can also just add a dimension to the door. Lock it. Then delete the dimension. The constraint will remain as long as you select Ok on the warning dialog that appears. This is good for families that don't have clearances built in and you want to maintain some control over placement.