View Full Version : Text from Detail Component doesn't show up in Project

Exar Kun
2004-12-03, 04:31 AM
I've created a downpipe detail component and I want the letters "DP" to appear next to the symbol but they disappear once I import the component into the project. Do I need to make this some other way?

Chad Smith
2004-12-03, 04:41 AM
I believe you can't add text or dims to a detail component and have them show when loaded into a project.
You will need to make a Generic Annotation family and load that into your downpipe detail family.

It would be nice to be able to have a property of text and dims that allow them to be shown in Detail Components.
That way you could detail up the entire detail with text and dims, and the work would be done forever. You could then load that detail component into a profile, and have instant annotated details when a section is cut. And furthermore, after the detail component is place on a view, it would be even better if you could grab those annotation objects and move/align then to other notes, but still remain part of the detail component.

Exar Kun
2004-12-03, 05:25 AM
Thanks for that and nice suggestion too. :)