View Full Version : Lock option in pick levels dialog

William Troeak
2010-03-08, 11:11 PM
While adding a new level to a project using the pick lines option the options bar has an option for lock.

When I use this method I can not see the diffrence between selecting lock and not selecting lock.

Is there any thing that I am missing?

2010-03-08, 11:51 PM
I would have to say that if you lock the level to a line using the line pick command, then the line would become associated to that level. If you were to change the elevation of the level, the elevation of the line would change as well. On the other hand, if you were to try to move the line, and it was constrained to the level line, you would not be able to. The only way to change the elevation of the line would be to unlock it first, or to change the elevation of the level.

Dan S.
Bevanda Architecture Inc.

William Troeak
2010-03-08, 11:59 PM
Thats what I thought, how ever I am not seeing any change what so ever....maybe I am missing something.

2010-03-09, 12:03 AM
Can I ask why you are using the pick line command when setting up your levels? It seems to be a little redundant to have to draw a line just so that you can pick it for your level. Just select level from your tool bar and draw one in. If its not at the correct elevation, just type in the elevation that you want it to be once you've drawn it in.

Dan S.
Bevanda Architecture Inc.
BC, Canada.

William Troeak
2010-03-09, 12:05 AM
What I was doing was using an existing level and picking that level line. By using pick I can preset the distance.......but for the most part when I do things like this I like to know why Revit does things a certain way, just in case anyone ever ask me in class...

2010-03-09, 12:40 AM
I guess my response would be to tell your students that its better not to over constrain a drawing, as in my experience, it leads to problems when the model is developed further. At some point, if your model is over constrained, you will have difficulties doing simple things such as moving a wall, without having to search through the model to find out what its constrained to, or even worse, you end up moving something inadvertently without your knowledge.

Dan S.
Bevanda Architecture Inc.
BC, Canada.

William Troeak
2010-03-09, 10:56 PM
So I guess you are saying that you would not lock items from the west elevation to the east elevation......

2010-03-28, 06:50 AM
I am new to Augi... and Revit... had a question about Levels. I added a new level in my elevation view, but it does not appear in my floor plan view.
Any ideas?

Thank you.

William Troeak
2010-03-28, 07:36 AM
Level Lines appear in Elevation, Section and Detail Views not in Plan Views.
What are you wanting to show?