View Full Version : Room area

2010-03-09, 09:41 PM
I´ve set 0.5 m2 as rounding for the room and apartment areas in the tag. I want the schedule to add these rounded values together (because they are what matters in apartment business) but the schedule "grand totals" adds the real areas together and then round them to nearest 0.5m2. Occasionally there will then appear a "wrong" sum of apartment areas.
Can this be "corrected" ?

2010-03-10, 07:41 AM
Without having tested it, i´m pretty confident that you could add a projectparameter "Rounded Area", set that to round to every 0.5 - In your schedule, add a calculated parameter "True Area" and base it "=Rounded Area", then i´m guessing that if you add the "True Area" field to your schedule, it will calculate the rounded totals.... maybe.... :beer:

2010-03-11, 03:33 AM
...there will then appear a "wrong" sum of apartment areas...
Might have an easier way than Mr. Munkholm suggested. Have had this problem in the past. May be able to make this work without a formula. No promises but I will give it a shot.

Any chance you can post the schedule? Do not need the project, just the schedule. To do this, create a new None project, import the schedule from your active project then save. Makes a teeny project you can post.

(Understand, of course, that I think Imperial instead of Metric so you if I can do this, you may get a solution with really dumb examples used as a test. :-))