View Full Version : Rollbacked file loosing items??

2010-03-10, 06:58 PM
Yesterday, while on the verge of crashing, my Revit Architecture 2010 deleted my 3 elevation views without any warning. I opted to rollback my local back-up file which was created a couple of hours ago. I then created a new central file out of the saved back-up file to make everything compatible. And re-created a new local file out of the new central file.

When I try to move on with my tasks, I noticed that a few random items were deleted, (1 grid line, a series of mullions, Material hatches, Filled-regions, etc.) Going through the Revit Help I found this note:
[/I]"Successive backups share as much element information as possible; therefore, they are incremental rather than equal in size to the entire project."[/I]

Anyone knows the reason or what category does Revit delete?

BTW, I am the only person working on the drawing.


2010-03-11, 01:23 AM
When you restored your local backup, did you actually click Rollback... or did you click Save As...? I tried recreating your problem with a fairly large project and was unable to do so.

I cannot be certain this would avoid your problem but at our office, we recommend the Save As... method. After clicking Save As..., close the active local without synchronizing then open the new Save As... file detached. Once you are certain you have everything, use this to overwrite the central file. If you are nissing stuff, you still have a chance to copy-paste from your local (or the central file) before destroying anything. Finally, once the new central file is created, just delete everything and recreate your local. Our staff is sufficiently skilled by now (mostly) that if they are working in a model with lots of other team members, they are smart enough to have everyone else synchronize and close before beginning the process.

Also, the person recreating the central file from a local better remember to reload latest before he does anything or his team will be seriously unhappy... :)

Hope this helps.