View Full Version : Flip Control Nested Family

2010-03-11, 06:28 PM
I'm creating a walk-in cooler box as a family and want to use a symbolic line representation of the door, which I've created as a separate family and have nested into the W.I. family.

I've given the door symbol a flip control within its own family so it will flip about its center line. Works great in the W.I. family but when I drop it into the project I loose the flip control. I've tried shared and not shared versions without any success to try and get the flip control to pass through to the project.

When I put the flip control in the W.I. family it translates to the project but the entire W.I. flips and the door position flips about the centerline of the W.I. not the door.

Any ideas on how to approach this problem?

Gadget Man
2010-03-13, 07:47 AM
I'm not sure that you can "pass" a flip control from your nested family to the project. However, how I would attack this problem? I would insert two nested door families with the opposite swing/opening side and control them in a project via the visibility parameter (left/right visible, or something like that)...

2010-03-13, 10:53 AM
You can´t "pass" the flip control - but you MIGHT be able to make it work, by making the door a shared family, which you can "Tab - Select" within the family, and then MIGHT get the flip control option... Have not tested this, but it´s worth a shot... :beer: