View Full Version : Titleblock notes

2004-12-03, 05:16 PM
Sorry for rehashing this issue but I have read all the post and am still at a loss. I am just starting setting up our titleblocks. I got the whole thing in but am having a problem with 2 things, revision dates and issues and Preliminary-not for construction note.

I don't think that the revision thing that Revit 7 has will work for our office due to the fact that we put our revisions, bid pack, construction issue dates etc in the same location. It also doesn't seem to work because we layout our text like in the pic attached. If I had 2 or 3 areas of the same revision date, the shedule would show all of the revisions. I just need 1 revision date for all revision for that date not each time I create a revision cloud. Can what is pictured work with another family with just text and a symbol that links to the revisions.?

I have looked into the shared parameters for the not for construction text. I tried what the posts said but got lost in creating the family, then parameter group, parameter, then discipline, then type. I am not sure what all these things mean nor can I find any document that tells me what they mean. All I want to do is place a NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION text on my title block and be able to turn it on and off.

Once I get these things taken care of I can actually start to draw something, that which my employer would like me to do soon.

Please can anyone school me on thees things or tell me where I can get a document that descibes how to accomplish this or at least identifies what all these things mean.


2004-12-03, 05:45 PM
I am quite certain, though I haven't used it in anger, that multiple revision tags can all be tagged with the same number so you will see what I think you are asking to see.

As for the Not for construction tag. If you can't work out anything else then just have two sheets one with dumb text saying NFC or preliminary or anything else you care for and one with that area left blank, then you can just change the title block on the drawing if you need to.

2004-12-05, 05:30 PM
Hey Dale,

The only help I can offer about the "Preliminary" note is to not worry about it at this time. Sometimes, we can get carried away with setting things up in advance. My advise, from personal experience, is to move on, start working on a project and just add the "Preliminary, not for construction" note to one sheet, then copy/paste aligned to each additional sheet as needed. It really doesn't take that long.

You can also set up an additional sheet family as mentioned above; however, in any event, don't sweat the details. There will be plenty of time to modify your sheets later as you learn more about the program. For now, you might have "bigger fish to fry" as my friend from Texas always says.

(Bye the way, there is a really cool "rubber stamp" font which looks great for this note, and is available with the WillHarris font package which includes 5 other TTF fonts.)

Hope this helps

2004-12-06, 05:58 AM
The best advice I could give you is to work with what Revit gives you. It might not work exactly the way you want it to for revisions, but there should be a happy medium you can come up with. It might not be the standard way you do your projects but it works, and it coordinates the information automatically for you. You might find yourself spending way too much time trying to customize these things. As for the title block, it's easier than you think. I've attached a sample title block that has a "Not For Construction" Parameter that you can turn on or off in the properties dialog box. The way to do it is, when creating your title block, Go into the family types and add a parameter, make it an instance parameter, give it a name, I called it "Not For Construction", group it under text, then make the type a Yes/No value. Click OK and then click OK once more to get out of the family types dialog box. Create the text on the title block where you want it to be located. Select the text after creating it, and go into its properties, under visible click on the = sign button to the far right, Select the Not For Construction Parameter, Click OK, then click OK once more to get out of the properties. You can now control the visibility of the text on every title block by selecting it in it's properties.

2004-12-06, 01:51 PM
Nice Mcuevas! I saved that one for later today.

2004-12-06, 07:15 PM
Thank you SCShell. I agree with you about waiting and seeing what I come up with once I get used to the program. However, the lead architects here don't always agree to wait. They think it should look the same no matter what. So I go out and try to get it as fast as I can.
I do think you are right about the revision dates. They will just have to live with the change.

Mcuevas : thank you very much. I followed what you said and it works perfect. Why I was going the direction of shared parameters I am not sure. This was much easier than the shared parameters I tried.

Thank you both.

2004-12-06, 07:48 PM
Why I was going the direction of shared parameters I am not sure

The advantage of the shared parameter is that you can turn the text off in all sheets at once.


2004-12-06, 08:03 PM
Shared parameter as you describe is a definate advantage and what I was looking for. But as I said in my initial post, I get lost in naming the multitudes of components to get to the end result. Nor can I find any documentation that explains what each item that I need to specify.

Can you direct me in a direction to better understand the meaning behind each part to creating the shared parameter? I have tried all the post that I can endure on the subject of shared parameter, and am still at a loss.


2004-12-06, 08:07 PM
Thank you SCShell. I agree with you about waiting and seeing what I come up with once I get used to the program. However, the lead architects here don't always agree to wait. They think it should look the same no matter what.

We run into this here sometimes. We allways show them the Revit default graphics/way, and then put it next to the old graphic from AutoCAD/ADT, and say to them "OK, this is the Revit one, we get this for FREE, without spending any time. This is what it used to look like in AutoCAD/ADT, and we can make it look the same, but it will probably take X amount of time to do so (and in very rare cases it might add X amount of time every time someone wants to use it because there is a workaround involved or something). What do you want to do?". 8 times out of 10, the fussiness about the graphics drops away, for they see that both the Revit default graphic/way of doing things works and looks fine (lots of times better than the AutoCAD/ADT version), and that spending too much time on fussy graphics doesn't help anything in regards to production.

Save the fussyness for the presentations and schematics. :)

2004-12-06, 11:47 PM

You can't do it with visibility. In V7 when you haven't set a project information parameter it won't show anything. So we use this technique to achieve what you want.

I don't know how to make the images inline, hopefully this will make sense:

Open your Titleblock and add a label. Create a new text shared parameter (here called NFC).See attached image. Format the text label as required.

Now open your project(template) and add the new Titleblock.

Go to settings->project parameters and add the shared parameter to project information categories. See attached image.

Now when you go to project Information you will see the label and you can edit the text. Or leaving the label empty will not show any text across all sheets that use this titleblock.



2004-12-07, 03:01 AM
Well, the blonde here must be tired. Just tried Miguel's method and I couldn't get it to work in v6.1. When I am in the family editor for my existing titleblock, I click on "family types..." and get the dialog box; however, I cannot get it to allow a type to be text and a yes/no parameter. In addition, when I highlight the added text note, there is no = visible to enable. Maybe after some sleep in morning.

2004-12-07, 06:58 AM
Hey Steve, I'll help you sleep!.;)

The visibility graphics for text just came out with 7.0...also the project parameter called Project Information is first seen in 7.0

2004-12-07, 06:59 AM
Just tried Miguel's method and I couldn't get it to work in v6.1.

That's because it'll only work in V7 :-)


2004-12-07, 07:04 AM
Thanks guys! Now I can sleep

2004-12-07, 01:47 PM
GuyR.....that works perfect
Exactly what I need.

Thank you very much.

2005-01-08, 05:10 AM
Nice tips,

Steve Shell showed this one off to us at our local revit users group.

May thanks to all.

2005-01-08, 03:11 PM
I do think you are right about the revision dates. They will just have to live with the change.
Hi Dale,

Now they won't have to!
Well, now that I am a bit more familiar with v7.0, I can help you with the revision numbering question you asked.

When you set up or edit the revision schedule in you family title block, click on the schedule's Properties and then click Sorting/Grouping. At the very bottom, there is a box to check for "Itemize every instance". Uncheck it. All of your multiple cloud revisions will now appear with only one revision itemized in the schedule.

Back to your question about the "Preliminary- not for construction" note. Everybody has answered that one, thank you Mcuevas, Steve and Guy; however, here is a way to expand upon it.

I followed that same process described above by Mcuevas to have my seal do the same thing, only rather than making it a "text" item, I made it a family component item. When you select a "family" item to be added, Revit will tell you that you have no items loaded and asks you if you wish to add one. Browse for the seal and select it. I set mine up to be listed under 'text' catagory. Now, I have both "preliminary" and "seal" checkbox(s) right next to each other under the 'text' catagory in the properties dialoge box. Very cool! Ah, the Revit-abities.
(Thanks again Steve. I am sleeping much better now! That is, when I finally get around to it.)

Best of luck

2005-01-08, 03:21 PM
With reference to NFC notes on titleblock etc there is a thread with the following address where I uploaded a family which might help someone (or not).
