View Full Version : Revit Tags - NCS

The Monk
2010-03-15, 06:28 PM
I have been looking through the Help file regarding the tags in the program out of the box. What I am interest in are the tags based upon the national cad standards? There is a sprited discussion in the office I work in whether the exterior elevation tag is a legitimate tag vs the interior elevation tag. I am on the side that there ought to be a difference in tag types for communication clarity. But some do not see it that way.

Anyone know? How about one of you AutoDESK Revit Engineers!!!

2010-03-15, 06:34 PM
I have been looking through the Help file regarding the tags in the program out of the box. What I am interest in are the tags based upon the national cad standards? There is a sprited discussion in the office I work in whether the exterior elevation tag is a legitimate tag vs the interior elevation tag. I am on the side that there ought to be a difference in tag types for communication clarity. But some do not see it that way.

Anyone know? How about one of you AutoDESK Revit Engineers!!!

Most of the OOTB tags are not based on the actual NCS symbology. Many of them can get CLOSE, but there are some that simply CANNOT follow the NCS symbology to the nth degree. The 2010 elevation marker is one of them.

The Monk
2010-03-15, 06:45 PM
Thanks Aaron,

It has been an interesting discussion here. And I thought I had read a thread on this site about it once before but could not find that one.

I appreciate the information.

Scott Womack
2010-03-15, 08:17 PM
You can certainly get a visual difference between an Interior Elevation and an Exterior Elevation tag. We use a round one for one, and the square for the other.

The Monk
2010-03-15, 08:49 PM
That is what we have been doing Scott. We use the elevation tags as they come out of the box. The issue arrised when someone in our office had stated the tags were following the NCS standards. It seems reasonable but the square tag is an issue for a few managers.

Some see the graphic difference as a good communication device for the GC's dispite the clunckyness of the tag. It would be helpful to have some control of these things, but if they are
based upon the NCS standards then I would not touch them.

AutoDESK ought to be forthwright on this. It is beginning to feel like one of those "tags by software engineer design" issues rather than an industry specific issue. There seemed to have
been a lot of effort made to make sure the tagging was correct in the Structures program!!

Thanks for your help Scott.

2010-03-15, 09:24 PM
The interior default "Elevation 1" symbol RESEMBLES the NCS marker, in so much as that its a circle, with a tangent pointer and no tails. Its smaller than its supposed to be too. its 1/2" diameter, whereas NCS is 5/8".

But if never read anything even inferring that Revit symbology followed NCS standards, so i wouldnt say the onus is on the Factory to stipulate as such.

As for differentiation, you can make them different without making one a square. You can make the Exterior Elevation symbol a circle where the pointers are NOT filled in, or make it bigger, or smaller, or whatever. Theres plenty of ways to differentiate without using the ugly square...