View Full Version : Sections lines not showing up in some plan views

2004-12-04, 01:07 AM
I notice that in some plan views some of my section s are showing up and some are not
can anyone tell me why this is happening?

Paul Monsef
2004-12-04, 01:19 AM
Sections can be set to Architectural, Structural or Coordination; Section Lines from Structural sections to not show up in Architectural floor plans and vice versa....

If you set a section to coordination it will show in both arch. and structural views.

2004-12-04, 01:36 AM
And some other possibilities :-

1. Phasing. A section set to Existing will not show in a plan view set to New for example.

2. Scale Visibility. Under View properties, a section can be set to not display at scales coarser than a default or set scale.

3. Crop Region. If the crop region of a section view stops below the cut plane of the plan view, the section mark will not be visible in the plan.

2018-04-18, 11:18 AM
And some other possibilities :-

1. Phasing. A section set to Existing will not show in a plan view set to New for example.

2. Scale Visibility. Under View properties, a section can be set to not display at scales coarser than a default or set scale.

3. Crop Region. If the crop region of a section view stops below the cut plane of the plan view, the section mark will not be visible in the plan.
Thank you it was very helpful.(Number 2 was a solution for me)