View Full Version : Scheduling 'Structural Columns' and 'Mass Column'

2010-03-16, 12:04 PM

We are using standard columns and customised columns that are created as conceptual masses.

As I cant convert a 'conceptual mass' into a 'structural column' Im wondering is there another way, if at all, to schedule them in one schedule?



cliff collins
2010-03-16, 12:42 PM
The Conceptual Mass tool is really not intended to be used for making Structural Columns.
It is intended for creation of overall building massing, from which faces can then be "converted" to Revit objects like floors, roofs, curtain systems, walls, etc.
These objects remain "associated" with the Mass, so that when changes to the Mass are made, the objects can be "updated" to the new shape. ( you probably already know all of that.....)

You might try using a standard Column Family template, or a Generic model template
and then change the category to Structural Column?

If the shape or geometry you need can not be created with the "normal" family
modeling tools, then you have a "custom" column which must be given "special"
considerations which won't fit nicely into Revit's "normal" workflow or best practice

Perhaps post an example of your column and we can take a closer look?


2010-03-16, 08:22 PM
Thanks Cliff,

I've attached the column family.

For some reason I thought I could only create this kind of flexible 'V-column' with the massing tools....

...but thinking a little bit longer about it I should be able to create the same column with the 'normal' modelling tools within a 'structural column' family as well.



cliff collins
2010-03-16, 09:53 PM
Yep. Use the normal family editor.


2010-03-17, 01:23 PM
Ah...makes me long for the RAC2009 days where you could model cateogrized, in-place families so easily...