View Full Version : Duplicate as Dependent Views

Joshua Kohl
2010-03-16, 01:11 PM
Good morning everyone...

I have an overall wall section that I have created two dependent views from so I can fit the dependent views on a sheet at a larger scale than I could for the overall section. When I adjust the location of the level heads and tails in the parent view, shouldn't this change in the dependent views?

I have changed them in the parent view but they didn't get changed in the dependent views. If I have to change these seperately in each view, the length of the level lines in each view won't match and it's just extra work that I shouldn't have to do.

2010-03-16, 03:09 PM
Are you sure you've got Dependent Views?
You say you put the Dependent View on the sheet "at a larger scale ", but that's not what Dependent Views do. A Dependent View must be at the same scale as the parent.

Joshua Kohl
2010-03-16, 03:58 PM
Yes, they are dependent views. The scale of the dependent and the parent are the same. What I meant was by using a dependent I can cut a parent section in half (height wise) and place both dependent halves on a sheet at a larger scale than if I tried to place the whole wall section on the sheet.

2010-03-16, 04:09 PM
You don't need dependent views to do this. In the section, select the crop region and there will be some controls that show up. the double arrows allow you to size the crop region and the squiggles near the quarter points of each side will break the section into two areas. You can then adjust the size of each area independently and in the center of each is an up/down arrow (or left/right if split on the vertical) to allow you to reposition each area.

Joshua Kohl
2010-03-16, 05:12 PM

I want to be able to show a full height wall section. What you are explaining will only give me a portion at the top and a portion at the bottom. I need them to be side by side. See attached pdf for what I am doing.

2010-03-16, 06:34 PM
Ahh, I see what you are after now... Looks like your way is the only way to acheive that. Unfortunately it also seems like you have found a bug in the way levels and grids perform in this scenerio. :(