View Full Version : What's the trick to show other assemblies

2010-03-22, 02:05 PM
If you want to cross-section an intersection where parts of it are built from the center line alignment(which the sample lines are cut from) and some of it is built from back of curb alignments (for curb returns), how do you show all assemblies in your cross-sections?

2010-03-22, 03:04 PM
Current work around is to create other surfaces from the corridor to represent the sub-assemblies. Not exactly what I'm looking for, but is better than drawing the missing data manually.

2010-03-24, 09:31 PM
This has always confused me.

The topic came up on Autodesk's DG's, and someone from Autodesk posted a reply that seemed to indicate that this behavior is by design. I didn't get it, myself, as I couldn't understand WHY they would want this to be designed behavior.

2010-08-20, 06:08 PM
I am not sure that I accurately understood the original question, but I posed a similar question in the post http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=1092261#post1092261.

I also figured it out and posted my approach to solve the problem, if it is indeed the same problem. Maybe this would help next time.


2010-08-23, 03:16 PM
This seems like the best solution I've read so far, thanks.

2010-08-23, 03:35 PM
There is one small bug with using offset assemblies. You can't get material volumes from any of the subassemblies that are attached to the offsets. I don't know if this is still the case with 2011. I have not had the chance to test it out yet.

2010-08-24, 08:39 PM
Why wouldn't it show up in the cross sections if you added the second alignment as a new baseline to the corridor? I tried testing this theory before posting thinking that both assemblies would show up in the cross sections and they did not. Why is that?

2010-08-24, 10:42 PM
The only assemblies that show in the section are those that are used for that alignments baseline. Why? I don't know. You would have to ask the programers on that one.

2010-08-25, 11:04 AM
Mike, That's why offset assemblies do work. You actually specify the same baseline that the cross section sample lines use, but the offset assembly allows you to set as a target another alignment as a baseline, and the corridor is built perpendicular to the offset.

I am not sure yet about the from David about the material volumes, but I will let you all know when I try (I have 2011).

2010-11-03, 02:49 PM
are the 2011 results in yet?