View Full Version : Phase Filtered Elevation

2010-03-23, 09:15 AM
Okay, so if this is a pre-asked question, I haven't searched these forums thoroughly.

I would like to submit an ammendment with 'show all' phase filter in 4 elevations.

The problem that I am having is that some of the previous phase walls are obscuring the current phase doors in one elevation. I have left the phase overrides as set OOTB.

With 'shading with edges' on the demolished walls are red as expected, though not 40% transparent as the material 'Phase - Demo' suggests.

In a 3D view with the phase filter set to 'show all' the walls are transparent.

I am thinking of using a 3d view as my elevation, and turning the model off in the real elevation view to overlay any annotations.

Is there some simple reason that I have missed for why revit does this?

Thanks in advance..

2010-03-23, 03:38 PM
Did you check to see where the elevation is being taken from? If you click on the elevation tag, a blue line will appear somewhere on the drawing, you can then drag this line. This is useful if you want to pull the tag away from the building but want the elevation to be cut right at the face of a wall. I had a project with a situation similar to what you are describing. Place the cut plane right next to the wall, then you can use the 'hide in view' option to hide individual elements. (or maybe that won't work for your situation)

2010-03-23, 07:08 PM
Hey Andy, I know how the elevation markers work. I ended up using the phase filter to isolate demolished items, overrode them in view then reset the phase filter to show all. I had to hide the walls perpendicular to the view plane to get the effect I was wanting.

It appears that in both Plan and elevation, the 'transparency' of the material is ignored.
I tried using a 3D view as an elevation, and realised why this is so. The elevation gets very messy, especially if there are multiple demolished walls obscuring each other.

It would be nice to be able to use VG filter overrides based on phase, to enact a change on an individual sheet, or by view template. Maybe its time I shared my wish list with AD.
