View Full Version : Cannot restore workshare backup:

jj mac
2010-03-23, 12:55 PM

I have posted this question before without too much of a response... We have a workshare file with multiple links in it and roughly three people currently working.

We have had a couple situations where we wanted to restore from a backup - by saving a copy of the file, not restoring it - and the following message comes up (attached). After that, another message pops up telling us it has failed to extract the old version.

Has anyone seen this before? I have a feeling I am going to be sending my journal files to autodesk... We must have the ability to restore these backups. Otherwise what is the point?

Please help!

2010-03-23, 01:17 PM
I haven't seen that. Can you try restoring a local copies back up? I have successfully opened backup's from workshared files dozens of times.

jj mac
2010-03-23, 02:12 PM
I am getting the same problem with the local files as well.

cliff collins
2010-03-23, 02:34 PM
Does your server save shadow copies?

If so, can you retrieve a Previous Version?


jj mac
2010-03-23, 03:47 PM
It did have shadow copies, but we took it off because of some network issues.