View Full Version : Level curb on sloped roof

2010-03-25, 05:01 PM
Hi guys,

I've got every part of the family created except the slope issue. I have a curb going around an opening in the roof, and everything works .. but the TOP of the curb slopes with the roof slope. I want it to be level on both ends. Any ideas?

The parameters are 4' W x 63' L with a 1/2" / 12" slope. The length goes the direction of the slope with a 1' starting distance off the top of the roof. I've attached what I've got.

Incidentally, I'm relatively new to the family editor, so if you see anything wrong with it by all means speak up!

Many thanks!

cliff collins
2010-03-25, 07:22 PM
You could just model the curb with walls, which would stay horizontal on top, and attach
to the sloped roof at the bottom.

A Family should also work?

just a thought.......

2010-03-25, 07:36 PM
You could just model the curb with walls, which would stay horizontal on top, and attach
to the sloped roof at the bottom.

A Family should also work?

just a thought.......
Hi Cliff,

Using walls is a great idea, but this is going to be its own element and we're going to add louver-like objects later when we get more information. This is a preliminary design. It's a roof vent for our equipment below.

I actually solved the problem with the help of a co-worker. We went off of what I did in the example I provided here and ended up adding an extrusion going on the side elevation plane in the width direction as opposed to a plan view extrusion (we "drew" the slope), then made the point of the wedge the basepoint (it was originally the center), THEN we added a parameter at the wide end with a formula per the roof slope, in this case it was "(Length /2) * .08333" which gave us the length at the far end per a 1/2" per foot slope.

I've attached the finished product so this makes sense. It works, but it's a per slope family and a new family with a new slope formula would need to be made if the slope is different than this.

Thanks for the reply!

Oh, we also selected "Always Vertical" in the Category and Parameters box.

2010-03-26, 02:34 PM
I did a roof curb a few years back that might help you. You can find it here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=20170), scroll down to the end of the thread.

The roof slope is set as a type parameter in inches rise per foot. There's also a control arrow to flip it to the right orientation once place.

2010-03-27, 01:12 AM
I have done it with thin walls on several projects before, but it's a real pain when you have lots of curbs all over the roof at different heights.