View Full Version : AutoCad to Revit problem

2010-03-27, 08:28 PM
Ok, this is an issue that has been giving me an immense amount of trouble, I'll try to explain it the best I can...

I was given a set of topographic data comprised of polylines, the size and complexity of the file was such that it is impossible for me to import it into Revit and be able to edit (grade) the surface once I created a toposurface.

So... the solution I came up with that by all means should work was to make all the necessary grading changes in AutoCad before importing the file into Revit and creating the toposurface. This way once the toposurface is generated in Revit it will already have all of the grading and places for the building pads in place and all I would have to do is drop my buildings on top of it.

This is where I cannot figure out what is going wrong...I make the necessary grading changes in AutoCad and everything looks fine...but once I import the file into Revit and create the toposurface it gets all messed up...
To illustrate this I will include screen shots of both the AutoCad file and the Revit file.

AutoCad image:


Revit image:


Any help or suggestions on how to solve this issue would be greatly appriciated!

2010-03-28, 02:38 AM
Hi Benjamin.

Ah, i see you're experiencing the joy of revit site work.

Was the cut in the hillside part of the original contours, or is this part of the grading you are modeling before importing into Revit? It appears that this cut is straight, not battered. Can you confirm this?

I can't help you with trying to figure out why the Revit site is misbehaving, but i'd recommend just bringing in the original grade for your toposurface and use the Revit pad tools to do your grading. Yes, the pad tools can be infuriating at times --- but you should be able to accomplish what you are showing with little difficulty. Have you tried the pad tools yet, or were your modifying the actual toposurface?

Welcome to the forum, by the way!

- Jon

Dimitri Harvalias
2010-03-28, 03:00 AM
Hard to tell from the images but it looks like your ACAD contours at the back side of the cut are vertical i.e. right on top of eachother which might be confusing Revit. . Try pulling the lines in so they form a steep slope instead of a vertical cut. You can then use a pad in Revit to get the cut vertical.