View Full Version : Remove Places Folder

2010-03-29, 06:02 PM
I just recently came back one of our other offices and had my imperial library folder set to their server. Now when I'm back in our office - the folders are still in my places bar, but since I'm not connected to the server, I can't remove them. And since I can't remove them, any time I try to "Open" or "Save As..." Revit hangs up for about 4 min as it tries to find these folders.

I've made sure they don't exist in the .ini file, removed all custom places from the "Edit Places" dialog...can't right click>remove...

Anywhere else that would allow me to remove these links??

2010-03-29, 09:08 PM
Maybe possibly some left over registry entries? I just did a quick look through the registry and came across these entries, you may want to check it out...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010\Profiles\AllAnavDialogs

Entries seem to correspond to the My Places Bar. I would try deleting the 3 entries associated with each Shortcut Place. Side note, backup your registry before making modifications, no matter how trivial the edit may seem. Hope this works for you.

2010-03-29, 09:39 PM

I actually did some deeper digging and noticed there was a Revit2.ini file in my program folder as well...Didn't realize Revit would look at any and all *.ini files.

That file had the missing file paths in it, so deleting that allowed me to remove them from places.