View Full Version : sea of transquility

Max Lloyd
2004-12-06, 11:10 PM
Not my finest work and please, do bare with me. I've not had any reason to incorporate water into any revit scene so far, and whilst there is not a great deal of architectural merit in maritime renderings, I felt that a little excercise like his may pop up a few interesting little challenges.

There is plenty wrong with the image I know, I will (as my parents are keen sailors) spend more time (so far thats 2 hours work, based upon a dwg file, erasing then re-sculpting the sails) modelling the boat, pullpits, winches ropes etc.

If nothing else, I bet its the first and probably last (laying down the gauntlet) seascape on augi?

Martin P
2004-12-07, 08:25 AM
Keep experimenting Max, its interesting to see what the possibiltes are... Maybe some in place stuff for the water? or make it a calm night and reflective with some stars might be good....

2004-12-07, 02:07 PM
If nothing else, I bet its the first and probably last (laying down the gauntlet) seascape on augi?
I think that Roger Evans did an underwater view looking up at one of his buildings from beneath a boat and the dangling legs of a swimmer but I couldn't come up with it after a quick search.


Roger Evans
2004-12-07, 02:48 PM
Zoog Days

Image of the year thread

Not a stormy sea though

I think there were a few other seascape shots (by others) even prior to zoog & these were on RUGI & Alt cad revit

2004-12-07, 03:45 PM

Roger Evans
2004-12-07, 04:14 PM
That's an earlier one Pete & not worth looking up

actually replaced by


Max Lloyd
2004-12-07, 06:38 PM
ok ok. Very nice. Like the bubbles and starfish!

2004-12-08, 12:51 PM
Not my finest work and please, do bare with me. I've not had any reason to incorporate water into any revit scene so far, and whilst there is not a great deal of architectural merit in maritime renderings, I felt that a little excercise like his may pop up a few interesting little challenges.

There is plenty wrong with the image I know, I will (as my parents are keen sailors) spend more time (so far thats 2 hours work, based upon a dwg file, erasing then re-sculpting the sails) modelling the boat, pullpits, winches ropes etc.

If nothing else, I bet its the first and probably last (laying down the gauntlet) seascape on augi?

Valiant attempt, Looking forward to the refinement. Outside of Architecture, The Revit/Accurender combination starts to fall apart, although this does NOT mean that the combination cannot achieve the desired end apart from architecture.

However, I have to revisit the amount of work involved versus the image generated versus how much (if any) money will be exchanged if I generate the image constantly. Is is worth $6,000 to a client to spend the time to tweak an image, or will the $500.00 image work? In the seascape quest, the money spent for Dreamscape with 3dsmax will be far more time efficient, and cost efficient for your client. The attached image is just a sampling of the 3dsmax and Dreamscape combination. Everything in this image is computer generated.

2004-12-08, 01:16 PM
Everything in this image is computer generated.
Was it you that held the computer's hand while working out what to generate?

2004-12-08, 02:38 PM
Was it you that held the computer's hand while working out what to generate?

It was only after many committee meetings first however. :-D

Sorry - of course it was computer generated. I guess to meet the my honorable colleague's observation I should be a little less generic. In that vein:

The image is a rendering created from a mesh based model with software modifiers based on a dreamscape software generated sky and sun, the geometric meshes having dreamscape software terrain and sea modifiers applied.

I was trying to point out (unsuccessfully) that this image has no Photoshop modifiers applied, nor is this a photomontage.

And another Dreamscape sample: