View Full Version : Corrupt Family causing ceiling issues.

2010-04-05, 02:18 PM
I have an ceiling hosted exit sign family that has gone haywire. Any ceiling that has one will not let me edit and finish the sketch. After deleting the family from the ceiling, the ceiling is still "remembering" that it was there and having the same issues. The file will not let me delete the family from the project or edit the family without causing a crash.


cliff collins
2010-04-05, 02:24 PM
Open the Central File and click Audit--then let it open.

Once open, go to Manage>Purge> and see if the exit light is in the list?

Try opening the "corrupt" exit light family itself, outside the project.
You can Purge the family, delete any strange objects, delete over-constrained dimensions, etc. Then Save-as a new exit light and load into a "test project"
and see how it behaves.

Try creating a new project. Create some quick walls and a ceiling.
Drop in an exit light family ( NOT the corrupt one. ) Is all working OK?

If so, copy/paste the ceiling and exit light into your current project and "overwrite/replace existing" if prompted.

Just some quick thoughts.


2010-04-05, 03:08 PM
Thanks Cliff,

Nothing worked....except swapping out the family...I lost some parametric data, but otherwise came out pretty well. Thanks for the suggestion.