View Full Version : text unselectable

Bryan Thatcher
2010-04-06, 12:55 PM
I have a drawing that some of the text becomes unselectable. I cant figure out what the problem is. Not all of it, just random pieces. I audited the file, there were no errors. Why is this happening and how can i fix it. Thanks.

2010-04-06, 01:59 PM
That's a dwg file, this is a Revit forum. Are you trying to edit exploded dwg's in Revit?

Paul Monsef
2010-04-06, 07:48 PM
That's a dwg file...
Oh that's what they look like - I had forgotten.

2010-04-06, 08:25 PM
I know this is a Revit forum, but what the OP describes can happen in some versions of AutoCAD (i.e. 2006) when a drawing contains a table. It's a known bug, and if this is the cause, the text can be made selectable again by freezing the layer on which the text is placed, and then thawing it. I think the bug was fixed in some version of AutoCAD after 2006.

I've never seen this kind of behavior in Revit. In fact, I wish the whole annotation system in AutoCAD could be ripped out and replaced with the one in Revit.

2010-04-07, 04:40 AM
I have this happen in Revit sometimes, but im guessing might be a graphics issue. because after i zoom in or out im able to select that specific text.

In Autocad this usually happens when your layer is "Defpoints" and the "0" layer is turned off. Until now i dont know the relations of the two.